Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I've received some very nice comments about what I've done here in Knews Not News, and it has taught me the value of this kind of writing.  I wish I had the time to do it justice.  There certainly is a market for this.  But...

The options for continuing this blog are clear: rearrange my schedule to permit continuation, redesign on a different platform, more content, steady updating, guest posting, create a destination. All excellent suggestions and very appreciated.  But I unfortunately don't have that last critical element that is required for this blog:  hours 25 and 26 packed into a regular 24 hour day. 

I will be taking those suggestions, just not for this vehicle.  My other blog, Turning Springs, will utilize most of the suggestions I've received about this blog in the coming year.  And I'll continue to highlight some of the weirdness I encounter in my journey through life in a section of the Turning Springs updates called The Wind-Up.  So it's not all the way gone.

But, as Yogi Berra said,"It ain't over till it's over."  And Knews Not News is.  Thanks for reading.